Four Colors: An OP Fanzine

Four Colors is a physical and digital zine centered in the ships Zolu (ZoroxLuffy) and Sanuso (SanjixUssop).Our project aims to produce two physical books, one for each ship, with physical merch as well to accompany. The project will be SFW and canon only, AUs won't be allowed.This will be a for-profit project, with the proceeds equally distributed between moderators and contributors.We are looking to accept 20 artists, 5 writers, and 3-4 merch artists per ship. The book will be A5
size with approximately 60 pages, this may vary depending on the interest check.

Frequently asked questions

What is a zine?
A zine, or fanzine, is a non-official publication focusing on a specific thematic. It usually features a collection of artistic works such as illustrations and stories organized and compiled into a physical and/or digital book.
Are other ships or characters allowed?
Yes, but the main ones must be Zoro/Luffy or Sanji/Usopp. Other ships must stay in a background place.
Is this zine SFW or NSFW?
This project is entirely SFW. While canon typical violence is allowed, we won’t accept gore or NSFW works.
Do I need to have experience to participate?
Not at all! We welcome all artists and writers, no matter their experience level. The only requirement is to be 18 years old or older to participate.
Is this zine for profit or for charity?
This zine will follow a for profit mode. This means all funds gained will go to getting the books and merch for buyers, with the leftover gains to be distributed equally between all contributors.
Do I have to like both ships to participate? Can I participate in both zines?
Nope! In the application form it will be asked what zine the contributor is more interested in, and the Mod team will make their best work at assigning contributors with their interested project.
Are AUs allowed?
We’ll maintain this project to follow the canon timeline, so AUs are not allowed.
Feel free to ask any additional question via DM on Twitter or Tumblr.


Some dates still to be determined (TBD)

  • June 3: Interest check & mods app open

  • June 21: Interest check & mods app close

  • July 5: Interest check & mods app results

  • July 12: Contributor Applications open

  • August 12 : Contributor Applications close

  • August 18: Contributors results send out

  • August 25: Contributors deadline to accept

  • September 1: Creation period starts

  • September 27-29: First Check-In

  • October 25-27: Second Check-In

  • November 22-24: Third Check-In

  • December 20-22: Final check in

  • TBD: Formatting & previews

  • TBD: Preorders open

  • TBD: Preorders close

  • TBD: Production phase

  • TBD: Shipping

List of Moderators


Head and Artist Mod

Hi, i'm A-chan! i've been partcipating in zines for a while now, can't wait to work in this new project!


Head and Merch Mod

Hi I'm Lars! I'm a digital artists who loves to use blues. purples and pinks in his art and who likes Usopp maybe too much ; )


Graphics and Formatting Mod

Graphic design is my passion :3

This section will be updated once we finish the mod apps, we are currently looking for a Writer, Finance/Production and Shipping mod.